- Do You Have To Pay Taxes On Online Casino Winnings Payout
- Taxes On Online Gambling Winnings
- Do You Have To Pay Taxes On Online Casino Winnings Real Money
November 01, 2017
Have you recently won some cash at the casino or racetrack? Congratulations! While it is very exciting, keep in mind there are tax implications and you should be prepared to pay federal, state and local income taxes on the winnings.
If you have gambling winnings or losses, they must be reported on your tax return. When you prepare and e-File your return on eFile.com, you will report your gambling income or losses during the tax interview which will lead to a request for more information.
You can anticipate that the casino or other party that provides the payout to give or send you a Form W-2G. The information reported on this federal form includes the date you won, the reportable winnings, type of wager, federal and state taxes withheld and other details about the transaction.
You will file a W-2G if you won money from any of the following sources (please note, the list is not exhaustive):
- Horse/dog track or off track betting
- Jai-alai
- State-conducted lottery
- Keno • Bingo
- Slot machines
- Poker winnings
- Any other type of gambling winnings
Keep in mind, even if you win money at a charity event that is hosted by a church or other type of non-profit organization, those winnings are taxable. If you paid money to participate in the event, such as purchased cards for a game of bingo at your church, you cannot claim the funds you spent as a donation to a non-profit organization when you file your income taxes.
If you find yourself on the losing end of a game of chance, you may wonder if you can report a gambling loss on your tax return. Generally, it is not allowable, but there are exceptions. It is advisable that you consult with a tax professional if you find yourself in such a situation or have questions.
For rules, laws and other information pertaining to gaming in Indiana, visit the Indiana Gaming Commission website at http://www.in.gov/igc/.
Do I have to pay tax on my casino winnings?
It depends but probably no.
Unless you're a professional gambler, as defined by paragraph 40(2)(f) of the IncomeTaxAct, you don't have to declare gambling winnings when you file your taxes. Thegovernment looks at a few key factors to determine whether someone is making alivingfrom gambling and should therefore pay taxes on their winnings.
It's also important to remember that gambling tax laws are different to the CriminalCode laws that regulate gambling in Canada as a whole.
Just spending a lot of time gamblingand even being a consistent winner is not enough to make you a professional in the eyes of the law.Some of the things that CAN classify you as a pro, however, includeif yourun your gamblingoperation like a business and/or you use a systematic application ofskillor expertise to consistently make a profit.

The skill piece is why poker and pool players are more frequentlyclassifiedas professionals compared to people who bet on sports or casinogames.Another important point is whether the gambling is your only sourceofincome. You're way more likely to be classified as a professional ifyoudon't have another job or career.
Do You Have To Pay Taxes On Online Casino Winnings Payout
Non-professional gamblers never have to pay taxes on winnings, regardless ofhow much they play or how much they win.Non-pros run thespectrum fromrecreational bettors to compulsive gamblers but as long as they'renotmaking a living doing it, none of them have to pay taxes on gamblingwinnings. It's important to realize that you also cannot deductgamblinglosses from your income unless you're a professional.
The truth is, in Canada the law is reluctant to classify people asprofessionals unless it's a really clear-cut case so most of thetime peoplearen't paying taxes on their winnings. Checkout this guide for moreinformation.
Non-professional gamblers in Canada don't have to pay taxes on winnings from anypopular gambling games including but not limited to:

Taxes On Online Gambling Winnings
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How much can I win before paying taxes?
Do You Have To Pay Taxes On Online Casino Winnings Real Money
The question of paying taxes ongambling winnings isn't about how much youwin. Lottery winners in Canada regularly take down tens of millions ofdollars and never pay a cent in tax. The question is actually about whetheryou're a professional gambler making a living from your gamblingactivities.